The above attachment is of the Aaron Burr signed certification.
Paul T. Thacker June 2006
On April 19, 1775, the American Revolutionary War beganat Lexington & Concord, Massachusetts. For many years the top historians, such as Professor John Fiske (1842-1901), said the British Major John Pitcairn fired the "SHOT HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD" - the beginning of the war. His horse was shot, he fell off as it bolted to the enemy side and carried Pitcairn's classy John Murdoch (Scottish) Pistols with it. The pistols were presented, in June, at Bunker Hill to General Israel Putnam who carried & used them throughout the war. On September 29th 1835 Mr. John P. Putnam showed the pistols to Aaron Burr (Gen. Israel Putnam's aid-de-camp) along with an handwritten certification letter. Aaron Burr signed this "A BURR" and was witnessed by Alexander Tuttle. WE HAVE THIS ORIGINAL LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY. The letter must have been placed into a book for many years as it has been folded. This is an eye-witness account & has been signed by Aaron Burr just months before he died. My wife and I have an authentication from an handwriting expert who has nearly 40yrs. experience in the manuscript business. ...... If you are interested in acquiring this, tell me that you have a buyer and do make an offer.If I don't sell it, we shall continue to have a fine display of memorabilia. I believe that on September 29th, 1835, Mr. John P. Putnam knew a visit to Aaron Burr was immediately important if there was ever going to be written proof of the identity of the pistols. Burr was immobile with a stroke in 1834. "A BURR" was likely the most Aaron was expected to write. He died Sept. 14, 1836 after another stroke. It is truly unfortunate that the letter may have been folded, put into a book & sold into the hands of a person who never knew its historical importance and never cared enough to find out.Such a document, with the great impossibility of the find, should be very valuable.The STEEL-MOUNTED PISTOLS are in the Hancock-Clarke House at Lexington, Massachusetts. Thank You, Paul T. Ohio01/06/07 - My new email address is - Paul, Thank you for this information. Shall I post your message on the internet site? I used to collect items like this myself, but will give readers a chance to buy it first. Pete
You have my permission to place the Aaron Burr signed
document story, which I sent to you by email - 11/29/05,
on your website for the purpose of finding a prospective
buyer for the certificate of authentication. Thanks alot.
Paul T.