Here is a picture of the framed relics recently purchased by the ABA.
To the left are certified strands of Aaron Burr's hair.
To the right is part of the spectacle case Hamilton had with him at the duel.
These are believed fake, because more samples keep appearing on eBay.
Does anyone believe that Hamilton's spectacle case has really been cut up into pieces to sell off on the internet?
We have alerted Dr David Fleishman who contacted us before the image above was posted.
To whom it may concern,
Essentially, I am a retired ophthalmologist with a passion for antique spectacles and other vision aids.
With the assistance now of over 360 people worldwide and with representative images from over 250 Participating Institutions we invite you to join our educational endeavor. We have created a non-commercial website which highlights the profound impact that vision aids have had on mankind over the past 750 years. It is unique because it is growing into an online encyclopedia. Much of the subject matter and some of the images might possibly interest you. I wish to learn more about any spectacles of Aaron Burr which may exist and also about the "part" of the spectacles case Alexander Hamilton had with him at the duel. I hope to include this information and images in a developing webpage regarding Great People in History and their Spectacles Please let me know that you have received this important message since I would like to begin a dialogue with you. A message was also left on the answering machine of Stuart Johnson, your President. Sincerely, David A. Fleishman, MD
Hi Pete,
I enjoyed speaking with you and would now like to pursue this all further.
Harry Anderson, , (Brian) and also Antonio Burr might each have knowledge of his spectacles (shown in the attached image).
Could you please ask them to individually contact me, or could you provide me with their phone numbers.
Another interesting painting is Henry Burr, Antonio's ancestor, who moved to Chile in the early 1800's.
Peter John, Jan 15, 2005
I noticed you have Burr portraits. You can get slides of the portraits of Thaddeus and Eunice Burr from the St. Louis Art Museum. These are Aaron's relatives in Fairfield, CT who he used to visit a lot. Thought you might be interested. Waletta Everett
Here they are Waletta,
Thaddeus Burr:
Eunice Dennie Burr